5 reasons Muslims must read Injil

5 reasons must read Injil

5 Reasons Muslims Should Read the Injil

“I was taught that I should not read the Injil because the Injil is not reliable anymore.”

You may have heard this too, but did you know that the Quran actually teaches about Injil and tells us to read it?  This is very important because the Injil shows us the way to heaven!!

5 Reasons Muslims Should Read the Injil

1. “Allah has given us Injil” (Quran 3:3-4).

Both Muslims and Christians agree that Injil is from Allah.

2. Muslims must believe the Injil.

“Speak ye. We have believed in Allah and what was revealed to us and that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Jacob and all those descendants. and what Musa and Isa received and what the prophets received from their Lord..." (Quran 2:136)

Both Christians and Muslims believe that the Injil is the Holy Book given by Allah.

3. God gave us Injil to help us.

“And We had Isa the son of Mary come after what had confirmed him before his arrival by Al-Taurat (the Old Testament).  And We gave Al-Injil to him.  In it there is guidance and light and it confirms what came before it -  Al-Taurat.  It is a guidance and admonition to the righteous” (Quran 5:46).

Injil can help us who are Muslims. because the Injil is full of practical steps, teaching, and light.

4. Those who reject Injil will be severely punished

“He gave the book come down to you from time to time with the truth to confirm the Scriptures in front of the Scriptures and gave the Torah and al-Injil (provided) before, as a guide for mankind... Indeed, those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah They will be punished severely. and Allah is Almighty. the one who punishes" (Quran 3:3-4).

So...we must not reject every word in Injil.

5. God protects the innocence of Injil.

“And the word of my Lord is complete. which truth and justice no one can change His words, and He is the Hearing. All-Knowing” (Quran 6:115).

How is it possible for humans to change the Word of Allah? when he said that no one could change Allah will protect His own words.

Many of the experts of the Holy Scriptures were of the opinion that… Injil is the true correctness of the original. Has not been changed!

For this reason... So we need to know what Injil teaches?

Injeel is not a guide to religion.

But..Injil is good news.

And it's about Isa al-Mazih. who have suffered for all of us

The will of Allah is Giving us eternal life after death
