Amazing life III

Amazing life III

The Miraculous Life of Isa Al-Masih
Chapter 3 “Today we saw something incredible.”

One day... while Jesus was teaching. Someone carried a crippled man who was lying on a bed. They tried to find a way to carry the lame man and place him in front of him. But I couldn't find a way in because there were so many people.

So he went up to the roof of the building. Then he lowered the lame man and his bed down through the tile gap. Placed in front of Lord Isha in the middle of the crowd.

When you see their faith So he said: “My friend, your sins are forgiven.”

So the scholars of the Holy Scriptures and the Pharisees said to themselves…

“This person blasphemes against Allah. Who is he? Who can forgive sins but Allah?”

But when Jesus knew their thoughts So he said to him, “Why do you think this way in your hearts?

Saying "various sins yours is forgiven' or to say, 'Get up and walk,' which is easier? But this is so that you may know that I, the Son of Man, have authority on earth to forgive sins.”

So he said to the paralytic, “I command you to arise, take up your bed and return to your house.”

Suddenly he stood up in front of everyone!! Pick up the bed and go home. along with praising Allah

Everyone was amazed and praised Allah. They were filled with fear and said to each other…

"Today we saw something incredible."

Injeel Luke 5:17-26
