Nabi Dawood

Many people know him as a prophet of courage and faith in Allah. But the most important part of your life is Your worship is acceptable to Allah.

If we want Allah to accept our worship Let us study the story of Prophet Dawood together. And this is the story of Nabi Dawood   Read more...

We will know which Wahyu is from Allah must see if Wahyu actually happened or not!

The Sabru was recorded thousands of years before Isa's birth. There are many verses in Zabur that mention Isa Al-Masih. The Wahyu that Allaah revealed to the Prophet Dawood recorded in the Zabru was accurately fulfilled.  Read more...

Allah favored Prophet Dawood very much. Allah then gave Dawood a great promise that was….

Those who are Al-Masih will be descended from Prophet Dawood.

In the Holy Scriptures it is recorded that “Allah said, “Here the day will come. When We will cause the righteous branches to grow for Dawood. who will be king and reign with discretion…” Jeremiah 23:5   Read more...
