The End of the Dunya World I

The End of the Dunya World I

Today, many people probably feel that We are living in a dunya world. There is only chaos, evil, disasters, and many crises, to the point of wondering whether our world of Dunya will ever end or not. Or is it called the Day of Resurrection?

in the holy scriptures Both Al-Injeel and the Qur'an confirms that The end of the world will come. And it will definitely be related to Prophet Isa al-Ma'sih!

In Surah 43, verse 61, it is said: “And indeed he (Prophet Isa) is the sign of the End.”

In this verse it is confirmed that the end of time will involve the return of Prophet Isa. In addition, in Al-Hadith, it is explained from this verse that the role of Prophet Isa in the end of time is to return as a judge.

“In the name of Allah Indeed, (Prophet Isa) the son of Mary was his successor as a righteous judge.” (Hadīth Muslim, Vol. 1, page 76)

This is consistent with the preceding scripture, Al-Injeel. which confirms Prophet Isa's promise that he will return again to this world at the end of time. to judge

“For when the Son of Man will return in the glory of Allah the Father with His angels, then He will recompense each one according to his deeds.” (Al- Injeel Matthew 16:27)

“Because Allah, the Father, judges no one. But He entrusted all judgment to the Most Beloved Messiah (Al-Injeel Yahya 5:22)

“And He gave the Messiah the right to judge because he was the Son of Man.” (Al-Injil Yahya 5:27)

Therefore, we conclude that The end of the world will really come. and it will involve the return of Prophet Jesus as a righteous judge.
Next time we will see what signs or signs there are. Prophet Jesus is almost back.
