Definition of Love I

Definition of Love I

Love means being patient for a long time.

Love...starts with good feelings. When there is love,  everything looks beautiful. Like everyone else, people say, “When there is love, even when farting, it still smells good".  But as time passes, the fragrance also fades over time.

At these times, love requires patience!

We need to be patient and patient until it becomes "patient for a long time".

As long as we still "love", we must be "patient" with each other, and if we want to maintain our love for a long time, we must be "patient" for a long time.

Prophet Isa himself was patient with his disciples. All 12 of them came from different backgrounds, different upbringings, different lifestyles and ways of thinking, but Isa loved them.

Love leads to patience and patience leads to forgiveness. Forgiveness leads to learning and reconciliation. In the end, “love” will always be ‘sweet love’ and bring happiness every time you have love.

As human beings, we understand that humans are “weak.” Even if you want to love and want to be patient for as long as it takes, it's hard to do. But pray for everyone to have long-lasting love and patience

Don't forget -  if one day you want to stop loving, think about the first day of your love.

And a good medicine that helps maintain love for a long time is the medicine of long-lasting patience!!
