Power in the name of Isa Al-Masih III

Power in the name of Isa Al-Masīh III

Power in the name of Isa Al-Masīh
Chapter 3: Miraculous name that must be followed

Philip went to a city in Samaria. and proclaimed the Messiah to the people of the city. The crowd listened to Philip's words. As I listened to him preach and saw the miracles he performed.

Many of the people who were possessed by the devils cried out loudly and came out of them. Those who were paralyzed and lame were healed. The city was filled with great joy.

There was a certain man named Simon who used to practice magic in that city. He fascinated the Samaritans. He claims to be a magician. All the people, from the least to the greatest, listened to him and said, “This man has the power of Allah called 'Great power'" The people listened to him. Because he has been making magic that has fascinated people for a long time.

But when Philip spread the good news about the rule of Allah and the name of Jesus, Al-Masihu All the people believed and were baptized, both men and women. Even Simon himself believed.

After being baptized, he followed Philip everywhere and was amazed at the miracles Philip performed.
