Straight path II

Straight path II

We pray 5 times a day, we recite Surah. Al-Fatihah every prayer “Guide us in the straight path.” And did you know that “What is the straight path?”

It is recorded in the Quran like this…

“And verily he (Jesa) is the sign of the Hour. So do not doubt it. but follow me This is the right way… And when Jesus came with clear proofs, he said, I have come to you with prophetship and the law of Injil. and that I might clarify to you some matters between which you differed. So fear Allah. and obey me. Indeed, Allah he is my god and your God So worship him. This is the straight path.” Qur'an 43:1, 63-64

The straight path does not only mean respect and devotion to Allah, but “Follow me” also means “we must follow Isa Al-Masih” as well. This is the #right path.

But… can Muslims believe in Isa too? We'll talk about this in the next chapter.
