Amazing life VI

Amazing life IV

There was a blind man sitting on the roadside begging. When he heard the sound of a crowd passing by, he asked what was the matter?
So they said that Jesus the Nasrah had passed by and was blind. The man cried out, "O Jesus, descendant of Prophet Dawud, Have mercy on me!”
The person walking in front stopped him to keep him quiet. But he cried even louder, "The lineage of Prophet Dawood, my lord. Have mercy on me.”
Jesus stopped and stood. and commanded the blind man to be brought to him. When he came near, he asked him,
“What do you wish us to do for you?”
He replied…
"My lord, Please let me see.”
Jesus said to him, “See, your faith has made you whole.”
Suddenly he could see and followed him along
with praise to Allah And when the people saw that They also praise Allah.
Injeel Luke 18:35-43
