Isa, the provider

the provider

Isa the Provider

Feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish

Have you ever prepared food for your family to eat? If you went to the market with 100 to 200 baht you could barely buy anything. And it would be tiring... What if you had to feed 5,000 people?

Isa and His disciples went on a boat to cross over to find a quiet place to rest. But when the boat reached the shore, Isa saw a large crowd of people waiting. He felt pity for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began to teach them.

In the evening the disciples wanted the people to go home so that they could get dinner, but Isa told them to feed the people themselves. The disciples quickly replied, "We don't have enough money to feed all these people!"

Isa then asked them, "How many loaves of bread do you have?" When they checked, they informed him that there were only 5 loaves and 2 fish in total.

So Isa ordered, "Sit them down in groups."

So they obeyed - some sat in groups of 50 people, some sat in groups of 100.

When Isa received the bread he raised his eyes to heaven, gave thanks and broke the bread, giving it to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also diviede the 2 fish, and everyone ate until they were full.

When they were done, the disciples collected the leftovers - 12 baskets full. Of those who aet the bread, at least 5,000 men were counted.


Even small things in Isa's hand can be multiplied in a miraculous way! He fed many people with a little food. How much more can he take care of my life and yours as well.

We can be sure that when we follow Isa, we will never be in need physically, mentally, or spiritually.
