Sweet speech of Isa I

sweet speech 1

Prophet Jesus once said...
“My Father has given me all things. No one knows who His Beloved Messiah is except the Father. And no one knows who the Father is except the Messiah and the one whom the Messiah wants to reveal.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest and happiness. Take my yoke upon you. then learn from us Because I am gentle and humble in heart. and your souls will find rest. For my yoke is suitable. and our burden is light” (Al-Injeel, Matthew 11:27-30).

At the beginning of this chapter Prophet Jesus was telling him: If you truly want to know Allah and want to know what Allah is like You must come to know him through Prophet Jesus. Because no one knows Allah better than Prophet Isa. And it is the beloved Prophet Isa who will reveal Allah to you.

In the next section, Jesus invites all of you with the words, “Come to me.” This invitation is extended to anyone who is weary of life. I don't know what the purpose of this life is. And nothing seems to be right. And people around you may be disappointed in that person. Prophet Jesus told him to come to Him. Because He is polite There will never be a day when He will hurt you. There is no way He will push you away. He will not despise you. He will not bring up your past to make you feel bad. He is not that kind of person. What He will do for you is to give you rest. and receive peace He will show you your great worth. and he loves you He will never put you to shame.

Finally, Prophet Jesus said: “My yoke is suitable. and our burden is light.” He was suggesting that This world makes many things difficult and difficult for you. Satan is the same. What makes things difficult and difficult for you? But Prophet Jesus himself would never make it difficult or difficult for him. And even if this world makes you suffer, Prophet Jesus said that He would be with him there. Always helping you, caring for you, supporting you. and will never forsake you. Only he came to Prophet Jesus sincerely. You will surely find rest.
