Isa calm the storm.

Clam the storm

Isa calms the storm

Can anyone stop a storm with just 4 words?

"Isa and His disciples were traveling by boat to the other side of the saea of Galilee whem a big storm came up. The waves crashed over the boat until the boat was almost full of water. Meanwhile, Isa was sleeping on the pillow at the back. The disciples woke Him up saying."Teacher, are you not worried that we are going to perish?" Isa rose, rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Be quiet." The wind became calm and the storm became completely silent. Then He said to them, "Why were you afraid? Do you not have faith?" They were terrified and said to one another, "Who is this man? Even the wind and the waves obey Him?"

Today... we still face storms. Economic storms, storms of health, storms of dissappointment and storms of loneliness. Trouble after trouble storms our lives, but if we have Isa in our life boat we don't have to be afraid. Trust Him, because Isa has power over the world! Isa will calm the storms in your life.

I pray that each of you is able to pass through the storms of life. If you are struggling and need a friend. I'm happy to listen. Messenge me.
