
Hope #1  Hope is one of the most important things for all of us.

Someone said a person can live for 40 days without food, 3 days without water, and 5 minutes without air ... but only one second without hope!    Read more

Hope #2 Can we be confident in a hope that we can't see?

The answer to this question is:  Yes, we can!  

Our confidence is dependent on the one who does the promising.   Read more


Hope #3 How does  God-given hope benefit us?

Hope keeps us waiting

The text in the Zabur 33:20-22 by Nabi Daud says this…

“Our souls wait for Allah. He is our help and shield; yea, our hearts rejoice in him. because we trust in Your holy name, O Allah. May your mercy be upon us as I hope in you.”   Read more


Hope #4 The way to stay hopeful and never give up or despair

In one of the letters of Nabi Armiyah (Jeremiah) written during the distress and hopelessness at the destruction of Jerusalem, he wrote:

… “And I said, My strength and my hope
is perished from the Lord:” (Lamentations 3:18).

But after that, his hope was renewed. He later recorded that…   Read more

