Nabi Adam I

Nabi Adan I

At the beginning
Allah created mankind in His image. by forming man with dust from the ground
Then God breathed his breath (the soul of Allah) on that man and named the man "Adam."

Allah saw that Adam did not have a partner suitable for him. He put him to sleep and pulled out one of his ribs and make flesh where the ribs was before.

From the rib taken from the man, Allah created a woman and brought it to the man

So the man said


“This is bone of my bones; flesh from my flesh. This person will be called a woman for she came out of man. " So the Prophet Adam called his wife "Hawwah (Eve)."
Initially both men and women were naked without shame on each other because they had pure hearts.

Adam and Hawwah were therefore not a product of “evolution” but the human lineage was created in the image of Allah to be resemble Him.
