Amazing life

There was a blind man sitting on the roadside begging. When he heard the sound of a crowd passing by, he asked what was the matter?

So they said that Jesus the Nasrah had passed by and was blind. The man cried out, "O Jesus, descendant of Prophet Dawud, Have mercy on me!”

The person walking in front stopped him to keep him quiet. But he cried even louder,   Read more.....

A man with leprosy came to him and knelt down and begged him, saying, "If only you were satisfied, you would be able to make me clean."

Jesus felt sorry for him and stretched out his hand to touch him. Say to him Read more...

One day… while Lord Isa was teaching Someone carried a lame man lying on a mattress. They tried to find a way to bring the paralytic and put him in front of him. But couldn't find a way to come in because there were so many people.   Read more...

Isa went up to Jerusalem to attend the Jewish festival. There was a pond by the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem. In Hebrew the pool is called Bethesda.

There were five pavilions. There were many sick people in those pavilions. The blind, the lame, and the paralyzed were lying there.   Read more...

There was a woman who had had a hemorrhagic disease for 12 years. She had suffered a lot with doctors and had lost all her wealth. But the disease did not subside and worsened.

When that woman heard about Lord Icha She walked into the crowd behind him and touched his shirt, thinkin   Read more...

One of the centurion's slaves whom he loved so much fell ill when he heard about Lord Isa. and sent some elders of the Jews to beg him to come and heal his slaves.

So they went to Lord Isa and pleaded with him with enthusiasm:   Read more...


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